Monday, November 10, 2008

Ok syaf... I shall do it now...

Rules & Regulations :
#01; - Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
#02; - People who get tagged need to write a post of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
#03; - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
#04; - No tags back!

1) Like Syafiq, I dont eat burgers together. I eat bun first and then patty.

2) When listening to songs, I dont care about lyrics. I just care about the sound of the songs, the rhythms, and beats.

3) I like cooking my own weird recipes for food when I start to get hungry and have nothing to do.

4) Very talkative and loud else where except school. I wonder why... (must i say this again?)

5) I used to wake up early in the morning when it is very dark but stopped doing that ever since I got a 4cm deep cut on my head for walking in the dark.

6) Used to hate girls like mad and not trust them because of an experience I had in Primary 3. Only re-trusted girls when I was in primary 6.

7) Was a cry-baby when I was in pre-school. Kept on crying when my parents not around. I even bit the hands of my nursery teachers before. For now, I won't cry... How many times must I tell u all...

8) Hates Malay even though I seem to be someone who is good in it. I only read and watch english stuff, rarely malay.

9) Always makes sure that food are properly and fully cooked. I will take nearly half hour to cook instant noodles just to make sure it will turn out nice. ( Why they call it instant noodles when I take so long to cook? )

10) I always feel that my life had happened before in a dream a few days before the thing happened. It is like as if I can see the future in my dreams. But obviously that is not true. Cause my dreams are just nightmares.


The chosen ones...

No one. I dont want trouble anyone else. ^^

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